Get Me Out of Here!!!

I’m sure I said this about a dozen times yesterday.

We were, of course, at Ikea.

Why do I always forget how horrible an idea it is to shop there? It’s not just me, the kids are into it too! Yippee, we get to go to Ikea, they have cool stuff and frozen yogurt for a buck! It takes all of 15 minutes before we find ourselves lost, going in the wrong direction, and split apart. I yell for my kids, as I’m being pushed by a lady’s cart, “I’ll find you, don’t move!” The lady’s trying to move around me but our carts are moving in directions opposite to the way we are pushing them.

Finally I break away, pushing my stupid f@#$ cart back to my kids. I find them trapped, they mistakenly stood by a clearance rack, and are surrounded by a swarm of people trying to get a deal. I grab a toilet brush and make my way to them, yelling that it’s used. Surprisingly, it didn’t really deter anyone so I tell the kids to crawl through the legs of the mob in front of them.

When they make it out, we hug and hold each other tight, it’s ok, we can do this, I tell them. We continue on, in the right direction this time. We manage to place an item in our cart after only an hour and a half of walking around; not bad, not bad at all!

We decide to stop for lunch in the Ikea restaurant. I send Darian to get a table as Devin and I stand in the cafeteria line up. It only takes about 15 minutes before we are able to get out trays, cutlery and glasses, then about another 15 minutes to place our order. Finally we have our food, I am holding the heavier tray, of course, and Devin has a plate on his. Then we stand and wait. People are trying to butt in line so I stick a leg into my spot in line as I hold a tray in one hand and help Devin support his tray. After our food is ice-cold, we get to pay for it and we walk through the swarm of people trying to find Darian. He has picked a table at the furthest corner of the place, with good reason he states, yet I never find out why. I head with our glasses to the drink dispenser, where I manage to overfill one of the glasses. There is a man waiting for the same pop, he sees what happened, I apologize for the delay as I wait for the pop to stop dripping off the cup and my fingers. He huffs and sticks his glass over mine! I whisper softly into his ear, “You have fine manners, excellent, in fact.” He huffs again, as I move out of the way and makes his way past me, “You have a great day sir.” I smile at him, even though I want to trip him.

At the table, we eat our cold food and regroup. We decide we have to get this done and quickly. More travelling in the wrong direction, taking shortcuts and elevators. It has actually become more busy! We begin to turn on each other, frustration setting in, and consider if this is all worth it. If I didn’t have a stupid giftcard to the place that needed to be used, I would have written the day off and left empty handed. We calm each other down, take a deep breath and head back into the masses.

Finally, we pack our purchases into the car and sit. We had been in the store for 4 1/2 hours! I tell the kids to hang tight, I forgot something. I head back in and stand in another line, “Three frozen yogurts please.”

Now I get to put the furniture together, which reminded me of a video I saw awhile back. I’ll share it with you but please be advised, there is some offensive language.

Enjoy πŸ™‚

So Much for the 17 Day Diet

I was really hoping for a get thin fast scheme, but my body and my doctor didn’t agree. I saw the good doctor on Thursday, he sent me for blood work and he let me know that it’s not a good idea to lose that much weight so quickly. Hopefully I don’t have anything wrong with my blood work and it was just a case of whatever my doctor called it when your body is deprived of carbs. And yes, that is the technical term πŸ™‚ I am feeling back to normal so I’m sure I’m fine.

It’s not all a loss though, as the doctor predicted, I did gain a couple pounds back when I started having carbs again but I am still happy about losing the few I did. I also found that I have a strong will and to not treat my body poorly. I am still focused on vegetables and have added healthy carbs to my diet.

I will still lose my 40 by 40!

As far as the house goes, the roof is half on as snow has caused a delay in the rest being done. I have decided I need to tile a backsplash in the kitchen, kinda excited about that! The bedrooms have all been primed and I’m just taking a break before I paint the trim. As soon as I have the work done I will post before and after pics.

I think I’ll go play with the kids in the snow again. There’s a small hill at the park, which is just at the end of our street, it’s calling me!

17 Day Diet- Day 11 Sort of…

Still not feeling myself. I don’t really understand why. This diet is not really a diet, just a healthy way of eating, so what’s the problem?

Yes, it’s restrictive by cutting out carbs, except for two pieces of fruit and no beef or pork. I should be getting enough iron from the poultry and eggs and I eat oranges to help the iron absorb.

I’m stumped! And bummed, didn’t think I would ever suffer from this again.

Not so upbeat today, having a hard time finding the silver lining.

Let’s see, I have two great kids and a husband that loves me. I could be dealing with something much worse. I have medical care. I will feel well again.

That’s better πŸ™‚

17 Day Diet- Day 10

So how many of you thought I’d fallen off the wagon, come on, be honest.

I’m actually still going strong, well sort of.

It started Saturday just after lunch. The beginningΒ  symptoms of anemia were back! As you may or may not know, I have suffered from anemia in the recent past and it’s come back to haunt me. Of course, I told myself it’s impossible. I was eating healthy, good proteins, foods high in iron. It was a rough afternoon, I was stuck on the couch and whenever I’d feel a bit better and do something, I had to go back to the couch. Now, I have the kind of luck where if something good happens, something must come along to even things out, I was not happy! I found something that was working for me and now I was going to have to give it up.

Richard was still home from Quesnel and he was watching things unfold…like a hawk! Finally the dinner hour rolled around, I was having a hard time forming words, was tingly everywhere, white as a ghost and so so tired. He said I don’t care about the diet, you can start again tomorrow, you need a steak! We went to our favourite restaurant, again, and I had the smallest steak I could find on the menu. He was right, by that evening I was feeling better. The next morning I continued the diet with success.

I started to feel the same symptoms come back yesterday afternoon, only worse. Richard was still home from Quesnel but was in the office. Darian was home and now he was the one watching me. I decided to see if anyone else was having the same issues so I went online to and looked under “answer your questions”. The first webcast was on Anemia. I watched the video, feeling so much better to know that it wasn’t in my head! (see past posts) It was the green tea!

This diet calls for a green tea after each meal and I was finding that it was curving cravings for me as well. As of yesterday, I was drinking 4-5 cups a day. I drink decaf because caffeine never mixed well with my “anxiety” that I was told I had, which was actually anemia. The video didn’t really go into why it was an issue just that if you had suffered from anemia in the past and happen to be on your cycle, strike two for me, the green tea is not for you!

So I’m still feeling a little wonky, waiting for my body to produce some more blood cells. I feel a bit better than yesterday and I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.

I’ve lost 8 lbs though πŸ™‚

I’m going to try to do a little work around here today, my honey has stayed home. He says that they don’t really need him right now, I think he’s being the sweetheart protector that I know him to be.

17 Day Diet- Day 5 (One day late)

Good morning, a beautiful glorious morning!

Last night I was just too exhausted to write. We managed to get quite a bit done, the counter and sink were removed, we spent hours at Homedepot buying more supplies, and we contracted a roofer who will start this week. We also had my windsheild replaced and met with our personal banker to get a head start on the real estate front.

Today, however will make yesterday seem like a holiday! There is just so much to do in so little time, Richard will only be here 1 to 2 more times before the house goes on the market. Looking around this place you would never think it! The appliances are all moved, waiting for the counter to arrive within the hour. I have furniture jammed up in the hallway, tools everywhere, and trying to do laundry feels like a rat in a maze πŸ™‚

On the other hand though, I personally feel very accomplished. I have lost 6 lbs as of this morning! That includes going out to eat twice yesterday, lunch and dinner. As I mentioned our kitchen is not usable, so yesterday the boys had Timmy’s for breakfast, I had yogurt and an apple. For lunch, we were shopping, at Subway I had a chicken breast salad. Dinner was out at one of our favorite restaurants, where I always order the lasagna,but I had the stirfry, no rice. A true test of my dedication to myself to be sure. Oh, and later I picked the guys up some Dairy Queen!

My husband told me how proud he was of me, and my boys said that I was doing awesome. I thanked them all and gave them hugs and in my head I told myself, “Yeah I am!”

17 Day Diet – Day 4

I’m tired tonight, my hands and arms are so sore. I had no idea that tiling was actually exercise, I didn’t think my muscles would hurt, at least not like this. It made for more rests today,3 to be exact. Which didn’t help on the “I sure could go for a cookie” front.

It’s hard work, reconfiguring your brain, even harder than tiling. I’m ignoring the thoughts in my mind though, which is a very different thing. Most times it goes like this; “I’m stuffed, but I could go for something sweet” “Yeah, but you’re tired of being fat” “But I went to the gym, so that cookie would be a freebie, really” “Sounds good, I think I’ll have three!”

The same inner conversation tries to sneak into my brain, but I am learning how to say no, it’s really quite empowering. I am so used to giving in to myself, I guess the way I’m always giving in to others in my life.

What’s that? An epiphany? Did you hear it too?

17 Day Diet- Day 3

I think my body is loving this, it’s been awhile since I cared for it so well.

I feel less bloated and I can already feel a difference in my clothes, I’ve lost 3 lbs. My stomach is already beginning to shrink, I actually pushed aside the rest of my dinner salad, I recognized that I was full. Normally I would try to see if I could fit at least a couple more bites in, it was a really good taco salad. But no, full is full.

This weekend will be the true test. Richard and Darian are coming home and it will be a very busy weekend. This is the second to last visit Richard will have here til we put the house on the market.

I have completed the grouting and will be putting the kitchen back together tomorrow. All but the double door cabinets which really need two hands, found that out the hard way! Friday we will remove the old counter and sink, the new one comes Saturday morning, can’t wait.

I was going to write that I might not have time to blog during the weekend, but I will find the time. I still need to have my hand held by my friends. I’m so grateful to you all and I don’t think I would feel so strong without you πŸ™‚


17 Day Diet- Day 2

So far so good, great actually!

I have caught myself thinking of unhealthy snacks a couple times today, but I have really tried to focus on what my triggers are. Like a person that is trying to quit smoking might avoid coffee or alcohol, I have found that I cannot watch TV for more than 15 minutes at a time. My minds starts to wander into the dark side of salt and sweets. I’m sure that will change as I retrain my mind and stomach. A cup of green tea (decaf) is helping with the sweet tooth that plagues me, I think I’ve had 4 today!

I wasn’t able to get to the grouting today as I had to run errands that I wasn’t expecting to, but I did manage to put hinges on all the cabinet doors and do some touch up work. When the kitchen is complete, I will post before and after pictures. Something about sharing your handy work makes it all worth while πŸ™‚

Well, off to my well deserved soak.

Til tomorrow

17 Day Diet- Day 1

I’m impressed!

It is 9:45 pm and I’m not hungry or craving junk. I did think deeply about chocolate around 7 this evening as my youngest indulged in one of his valentine treats, but I made it through, and tried not to stare. I folded some laundry, we played a game of cards, talked to my husband and oldest over the phone, and laughed about some JibJab cards I sent to them.

Our oldest has been working with my husband for the past two weeks, saving up for a truck and earning extra credits for his apprenticeship program at school. So it’s just been me and my wee one, and he with the big one. It’s been a good experience as this is the first time we have spent time apart/together this way.

I’ve completed laying all the tile in the kitchen, mudroom and landing, tomorrow I grout. I’m feeling successful and proud, life is good!

Happy Valentines Day to Me

Since my husband is out of town, I will be alone for Valentines. I have single friends and another friend who’s husband works out of town as well, all of us feeling a little lost around this occasion. I had been trying to think of something to do;Β  movie, dinner, maybe a visit with some friends.

Then I had a great idea, I will change my life, I will love myself! I invited some to join me, some liking the idea others coming up with excuses. I will do this!

You see, I had been sick with anemia without knowing it for over ten years. It started when I was 25, I was working too much, not sleeping enough and very run down. I was suffering from shortness of breath and dizziness, I was told it was anxiety, which I accepted. My mother has mental health issues so it didn’t seem unusual, except that I didn’t feel anxious. But I carried on, learning breathing exercises, passing on the medication and doing what I could to live a normal life.

I started to notice a pattern though, around once a month is when I would have my “anxiety” the doctor telling me that I was physiologically bothered by my cycle. I never questioned my doctor because my mom is a hypochondriac and it was so obvious that her doctors (and she had many) were telling her the truth. I confided to my husband that I was worried that I was becoming her because I did secretly question my doctor’s findings.

Then I became pregnant with our second son, 5 years after the symptoms had began, they were gone. My doctor again explaining my physiological issues to me. Whatever, I felt great, nothing but energy, happy. It was a wonderful pregnancy. Some months after he was born, I was back to feeling drained. “You have a new baby,” of course you’re tired. But it wasn’t like that, I wanted to do things but I couldn’t find the energy. I was trapped in my body it seemed. I was told that I was probably now dealing with depression, great, I am my mother. I didn’t feel sad, bummed out I couldn’t do what I wanted, but not sad. Again, I questioned my doctors silently, and questioned my sanity.

Fast forward 12 years from when my symptoms began. I had learned to live with my mental health issues, was trying to live like I was normal. Then it became so that I physically couldn’t walk during my cycle, fainting, numb face, legs and arms. I felt I couldn’t take a deep breathe. I couldn’t drive because it felt I was drunk. The kids didn’t go to school for 1 1/2 weeks every month for 4 months. I didn’t move off the couch, crawling to the washroom, I felt brain dead.

My husband saw something was wrong. I had told him years before that if I became so far gone, mentally, that if I started to scare the kids, he needed to do something. I didn’t want my kids to see what I saw growing up. He took a week off work, taking the kids to school and watched me. I told him I was so sorry, that I wouldn’t have had kids if I knew this would happen, it was so difficult to talk. Richard sensed something was off and it wasn’t me, he took me to the doctor. We had a new doctor, having just moved several months before. I had never spoken to this doctor about myself, I figured he knew that I was mental ill. I tried so hard to act normal in that office with my husband, but I couldn’t. He took my blood pressure, which was low. I don’t remember much more, it was a blur. I was asked questions and sent to the hospital. The labs came back that I was very low on iron. It was explained that my symptoms were caused by anemia. It took a year and a specailist but I am feeling like my old hyper self. Best of all, I’m not losing my mind. What a gift to be given!

Just one huge looming issue though. I got fat. I had no energy and I guess my body was trying to fix itself because I was hungry all the time. I’m trying to break my bad habits but the gym on it’s own is not working. I bought a book, “The 17 Day Diet” and just finished reading it. Very healthy way of fueling one’s body with a focus on vegetables and healthy proteins. There are four “17 day cycles” the first being a type of cleansing. It’s how I used to eat, clean, fresh and energy giving.

I just turned 39 and have made a pack with myself to lose 40 by 40. So for Valentines, I give myself the gift of not letting one more precious day get away. I want to live to 100 and I won’t if I don’t lose weight. I have been given my life back, no more taking it for granted!

So wish me luck or join along,

Happy Valentines Day, I love me!



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